The wedding bells have rung and the time has come for you and your spouse to bring everyone under one roof. Two different parenting styles one household. Or, your adult children will be meeting one another for the first time.

For the couples who have minor children, you might be thinking, “How on earth are we going to make this work?” You may be strict and your spouse is not. 

Don’t panic and don’t discuss the differences in front of the children.

First and foremost, you must try as parents portray a united front.
Have you ever heard the expression “United we stand, divided we fall?” Well I’m here to tell you this certainly applies to blended families.

The fact of the matter is, divorce parents with children often gravitate towards each other when seeking a new mate. In today’s society blended families are more prevalent than ever before.

Communication and compromises are vital tools in your marriage backpack. Sit down with your spouse and children and let everyone weigh in. This suggestion is particularly effective with older children. The operative word is “blended family.” You must include components from each household. 

Trial and error is key. Be open to trying new parenting styles. 

Finding the right blend requires time and patience. Patience with each other and especially patience with the children. Avoid taking sides. Your child vs my child is a recipe for disaster.

Be loving, fair and firm. Last but certainly not least, pick and choose your battles.

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