“Forgive yourself, God already has” was the title to a sermon that my husband shared at our church a few months ago. I believe that forgiving oneself is key to deliverance from the guilt and shame of divorce. Often times individuals attempt to move forward with their lives before they seek and experience forgiveness.  The first step is to seek and accept God’s forgiveness. In order to be successful with that step one must own their part in the divorce. The blame game is a stumbling block to forgiveness. The next step is to forgive yourself. The next step if possible, seek forgiveness from your former spouse for your part in the divorce. The final step is to forgive your former spouse. I can imagine there might be some eyes rolling and some other gestures happening right now. Been there done that.  I am sharing from the voice of experience. Choosing to be free of the guilt and shame of divorce is crucial to finding love and succeeding the next time.

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